Why Boost My PQ
Imagine what would happen to your performance and joy if you shifted from swimming against the current to swimming with the current. That’s the kind of dramatic improvement you’d experience if you improved your mental fitness (PQ) beyond the tipping point.
You’d switch from feeling constantly dragged down by the net-negative currents of your mind, to feeling uplifted by the net-positive. Your experience of work and life’s challenges and relationships would become much more harmonious. You’d produce more with less effort. And you’d enjoy every step along the journey, rather than short-lived celebrations after the occasional wins.
Since you’re close to the tipping point and generally positive, you might have convinced yourself that all your current stress, anxieties, frustrations, conflicts, and hardships are just “normal” and inevitable in life.
Above the tipping point, you’ll realize that actually your greatest accomplishments come not when you’re working “hard” but when you’re able to experience the ease and flow of the net-positive vortex. That’s what athletes report about the effortless mastery of being “in the zone.”