What Your Score Reveals

Your mental fitness level is Burdened.

In handling challenges and relationships, you use a little more positive mental mode (curiosity, empathy, joyful creativity, calm clear-headed action, etc.) than negative (stress, anxiety, frustration, regret, guilt, etc.).

However, since you’d need at least 3 positives to counteract 1 negative, you’re still being dragged down by the net-negative vortex inside your brain. You waste a good deal of mental and emotional energy to counter this self-reinforcing and circular negative drag in your mind, which is orchestrated by Cortisol, the stress hormone.

The negative impact on performance, happiness, and relationships is significant, for three reasons:

  1. When you are in the negative mode, you do more damage to your relationships, performance, and happiness than you’re able to counteract when you recover to the positive.
  2. Your recovery time from the negative to positive is still too long.
  3. You’ve wasted a ton of mental and emotional energy from yourself and perhaps others in the process.

The great news is that you’re so close to the tipping point, above which you’d flip to feeling continually uplifted by the net-positive vortex of your brain, orchestrated by Endorphins. The result would be disproportionately large improvements in your performance, happiness, and relationships.