What Your Score Reveals
Your mental fitness level is Burdened.
In handling challenges and relationships, you use a little more positive mental mode (curiosity, empathy, joyful creativity, calm clear-headed action, etc.) than negative (stress, anxiety, frustration, regret, guilt, etc.).
However, since you’d need at least 3 positives to counteract 1 negative, you’re still being dragged down by the net-negative vortex inside your brain. You waste a good deal of mental and emotional energy to counter this self-reinforcing and circular negative drag in your mind, which is orchestrated by Cortisol, the stress hormone.
The negative impact on performance, happiness, and relationships is significant, for three reasons:
The great news is that you’re so close to the tipping point, above which you’d flip to feeling continually uplifted by the net-positive vortex of your brain, orchestrated by Endorphins. The result would be disproportionately large improvements in your performance, happiness, and relationships.